I never liked science and technology when I was at school. It was all Bunsen burners, equations and ropey old text books that looked like they'd been stolen from the Russians during the Crimean War.

There's a lot more to it than that, I've subsequently discovered!

Talking of the Crimean War. Did you know that Henry Bessemer invented his famous Bessemer Process because he wanted to sell his new artillery shells to the French army and the iron barrels on the French cannons weren't up to the task? Or that prehistoric terror birds hunted by sound?

A Manchester student once used his Raspberry Pi computer to design a device that reminded his friends and family to keep the toilet lid down. And talking of Pi, what would happen if a super-intelligent artificial intelligence, decided human consumption of the Earth's resources undermined its prime directive, to calculate Pi to as many digits as possible? 

Science and technology is a fascinating part of everyday life? Central to so many intriguing issues, situations and challenges!

 If only someone had told my teachers all this!